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It’s easy to finish the New Year’s countdown and start reeling all off al the things we’ll finally achieve including being more organised, landing a massive pay increase or getting a promotion but creating big challenges may mean we feel pressured to achieve the unachievable. If you want to successfully tick off your bucket list for the first time ever then we’ve got the best ways to stick to your work resolutions.

Reach for the moon but not the stars

When you’re deciding what you’d like to achieve next year it’s important to stay within the realm of the possible or you could run the risk of feeling like a failure when December 2019 arrives faster than expected. Of course you should give yourself some challenges to boost your motivation, but setting a giant pay-rise as your only goal may be a little ambitious. Try picking something like wanting to become more confident in expressing your ideas at work, building up your professional network or hitting a sales target that you think will be achievable.

Time is money

No one loves their morning commute but there are ways to make it better and more productive. If you’re stuck on a bus, train or tram don’t twiddle your thumbs, give your brain a boost instead. Read a book or download a podcast that is relevant to your field or a work skill that you’d like to learn and you’ll find that not only does the commute pass faster, but you pick up the information and expand your knowledge in time that may have otherwise been wasted.

I get by with a little help from my friends

One of the best ways to stick to your work resolutions is to enlist the help of others to encourage and support you. You don’t have to post your goals all over social media, in fact this may come back to haunt you if you haven’t managed to achieve them, but you should tell a couple of close friends or family members.
Not only will they give you a much needed nudge when they tell you’re losing your productivity or not giving a task your all, but some colleagues may have the same goals and can help you to achieve them together. Perhaps you both want to get into networking, this is an ideal joint activity as there’s someone else to walk into events with and chat to if the conversation lulls.

Spinning plates

It’s great if you want to see improvements in several different aspects of your work and personal life, but trying to address them all at once or in a short space of time is a recipe for disaster. You have to pace yourself and pick one resolution to tackle at a time. You could always try and tick off one every two months as there isn’t a definitive amount of days that it takes for a new habit to stick, but giving yourself a decent amount of time means you’re more likely to actually put it into practice, inevitably slip up once and put yourself successfully back on track.

‘I’m only human after all don’t put the blame on me’

The person who actually achieves all of their New Year’s resolutions in record time is a rare find indeed. Most people tend to fall off the bandwagon by February so if you can stick it out for longer then you’re already doing well and you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up.
Everyone has days where they’re not quite as productive as they could be, where they don’t offer to take on an extra task at work because they’re not up for the challenge or they get side- tracked by cute cat videos on their Twitter feed.  One of the best ways to stick to your work resolutions is to not beat yourself up about having an off day, but to remember to pick up the slack tomorrow and keep making progress rather than giving up completely.
Want to find a job that will keep you motivated and happy throughout next year? We’re here to make your resolution of getting a great job come true!